Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Ghost Ranch Art Workshop/retreat

You are invited! Darla Bostick's 2019 Ghost Ranch Art Retreat/Workshops in NM

Darla Bostick's 13th and 14th Ghost Ranch Retreats/Workshop in Abiquiu, NM. Because of popularity a second event has been added 2-8 June with a different media each day. The UN-traditional watercolor workshop is 29 Sept-6 Oct and combines the media of photography, watercolor and more!

Relax, enjoy, create! Live at the Ranch for 7 days/6 nights! Enjoy plein air opportunities and the comfort of a group activity room (floor to ceiling vista views). The Georgia O'Keeffe Landscape Tour takes you where she painted the local magnificent area. Tour the O'Keeffe studio/home. Limited to 18 participants. New room and board pricing provides the ultimate discount when sharing a room (bring a friend/spouse)! Daily demos, slide presentations, door prizes and optional happy hour. Details appear on Darla's registration tab www.darlabostick.com . See why Georgia O'Keeffe loved Ghost Ranch! Spaces now filling for both workshops. Unclaimed rooms are released 6 weeks before the workshop.
If you have a facebook account, please help spread the word! (I'm just a one-gal operation)
As I send this to you today, the June workshop is half full and the October workshop is 2/3 full
Darla Bostick, 940.320.5660       Email: darlabostickart@gmail.com
Could you share this with friends, fellow art members at your next meeting and/or association newsletter?

My 2019 Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreats are set! Multi-Media Workshop 2-8 June and UN-Traditional Watermedia is 29 Sept-5 October! Check the website for details www.darlabostick.com