Monday, July 30, 2018

Lesley Humphrey Workshop: Wait Listing for March


American Academy of Equine Art comes to Tomball:  Lesley Humphrey workshop, March 11-15th, 2019

"Painting Horses and Humans: The 12 Lights Approach to Luminous Oil Painting" with Lesley Humphrey

March 11-15,  2019, 9-5 daily, Lesley Humphrey's studio, Tombull TX
Tuition: $500
To sign up for this workshop, contact:
AAEA, PO Box 12303, Lexington KY 40582

The AAEA presents, "Painting Horses and Humans:
The 12 Lights Approach to Luminous Oil Painting" 
with Lesley Humphrey.
Intermediate Workshop for 8 at Lesley Humphrey's studio in Tomball, Texas. 

Deposits are now being accepted.

Using Lesley Humphrey's "12 lights" method of seeing and painting light, participants will explore a plethora of oil painting techniques to create beautiful, luminous paintings of people and horses.

Workshop is open to students who have already taken the "The Basics:  Mastering The 12 Lights" workshop (either in person, or online using the video.  Please see video store at  (Videos can be purchased by AAEA members at special discount.  Code available upon application.)

NOTICE:  This class is full. If you'd like to be put on a waiting list in case someone has to drop out, please contact