Jewelry Classes
by Anastasia Gregoire
Tree of Life Pendant
Friday, June 23
3 to 4:30pm
A symbol that has inspired humans for centuries. With this project you can create your very own pendant and decorate it with natural semi-precious stones. Learn how to plan your design, measure and cut wire; create a wire-wrapped loop, and beginning wire-wrapping skills. You will use silver filled wire (1/10), copper wire, and stones such as apatite, aventurine, citrine, garnet, malachite, and turquoise to create a beautiful miniature tree pendant to wear and treasure.
Hammered Metal Earrings
Saturday, July 8th
10 am to 12 pm
This project is a great learning experience and you  will walk away with a cool pair of earrings! You will learn how to plan out your project, cut metal with shears, texture with a hammer, make sterling silver ear wires, work with jump rings, and create some gorgeous earrings. It's a great introduction to the world of metalsmithing! All students will be asked to sign a safety agreement before starting class. This class is best suited for adults, teens, and kids who are old enough to hammer nails without supervision.