Thank you to all who took on the task to think of fellow artists and your own viable service and art careers to put forth nominations for the recognition awards given at convention. LSAG and its 16 leagues cannot function without the dedication of volunteers, and our fellow members who have arrived at a high level of artistic achievement likewise serve as inspiration to all.
Nominations have closed with the deadline last Sunday and are no longer being taken. Please do not send any at this time; they will not be accepted.
If you were nominated and we needed further information or verification, then you received an email this past Monday indicating such. Please be reminded to reply directly to that email by THIS Friday midnight. If you do not reply, you will no longer be nominated.
Nominations going forward will be recognized at the convention. Attendance is not required, but it would be advisable for those not attending to ask someone who is to collect their award for them. Awards will be given to the person's home league; LSAG will not be mailing or otherwise holding them. Of course, it is most gratifying to be in attendance if possible so that you may be recognized by your peers.
Again, thank you if you have participated in putting forth a nomination, and congratulations to those who received such a nomination.