Wednesday, August 28, 2019

WAL: Fall meetings and Events

Monthly meeting held at South County Community Center on Lake Robbins Drive in The Woodlands 6:30 PM. RSVP's appreciated!

 September 26th
Painting with Brusho watercolor dye powders.
Jilan Chew will teach this mini-workshop teaching a variety of techniques with this increasingly popular medium. Brusho can be used as a traditional watercolor, or mixed with acrylic mediums and pastes on a variety of papers and even fabrics.
Please RSVP on our website to hold your seat. Free and open to the public, older teens and adults

October 24th
Peer Circle Critiques
Bring one or two pieces of your work...any medium.. for this helpful critique, or come to watch and offer your thoughts to others. At the end of the meeting we will draw names for a door prize and tally votes for the evening's favorite!

Wednesday afternoon open studios will resume beginning September 25th. Drop in and finish projects, have coffee with friends, or borrow books from the library from 1 -4 PM

Look for us at the Grogan's Mill Farmer's Market this fall!