Attention Artists:
If you currently have a listing on the LSAG website as a judge or demo artist, please reply with verification or corrections by August 10th.
-Check your listing under Resources (under Administrative Info) and let us know all is correct or not.
-Please do not send us a copy of the entire listing; INSTEAD send us only the part that needs correction...already corrected.
-Kindly let us know if you are listed as a judge, a demo artist, or both.
-Also let us know if you no longer wish to be listed. We only know if you have moved away or have had a change of plans if you inform us.
-If all is correct, please send us a brief email that your listing as a ______ is correct.
-See the bottom of this email for what happens next.
If you are NOT currently listed -and- are a professional artist wishing to be considered for judging or demo artist opportunities, read below and submit your information AS SPECIFIED by August 10th. Please follow the directions.
Things to Note:
* Please do not send resumes or paragraphs of information. You will not be listed.
* Please do not add additional information than what is asked. Your personal website is the appropriate place for that; this is a brief listing.
* Please do not add additional information than what is asked. Your personal website is the appropriate place for that; this is a brief listing.
*We list one phone number & one email. If more are provided, we will list the first one for each.
* Please note limits where listed. If more are provided, we will choose the first up to the max.
* Please note limits where listed. If more are provided, we will choose the first up to the max.