Monday, June 25, 2018

LSAG: Spring Meeting Update & New Board

The Lone Star Art Guild held it’s Spring Open Meeting on April 14, 2018. A new Board was nominated and elected thanks in large to the people who volunteered. We are extremely grateful for the generosity of their time. 

The 2018/2019 Executive Officers are:

Polly Ward (NWAL), President
Ollie Schiller (BFAL), 1st Vice President
Stephanie Clark (NWAL), 2nd Vice President
Marcie ONeall (HAS), 3rd Vice President
Golda Rader (CAL), Treasurer
Peggy Borchers (LAL), Secretary

In the coming months we will be asking for volunteers to provide feedback and help oversee the future direction of the LSAG and it’s beloved annual event, the Annual Convention.  Because our members are spread out geographically many people are reticent to participate on any committee especially one that requires a physical appearance.  This was discussed in length at the Spring meeting and we were all unanimous in that meetings and brain-storming can and should be done remotely.  With email, text and conferencing tools such as Skype (as an example) at our disposal we see no reason discussions wouldn’t be just as effective and decisions expediently made using these methods.  That said, please consider volunteering your time and input when asked and, please, make this appeal to your members as well.

Coming into the new year, the LSAG will adhere to the crucial elements of the current Constitution and By-Laws. This means:

Membership:  Each Lone Star Art Guild member club must host at least one and no more than two (2) Judged Open Show(s) each year. Member Clubs may co-host an open show on record as their Open Show in the Database.

Please note:  NO database purge was performed this year.  All qualifying ribbon winners from the 2017/2018 show year remain in the database and automatically qualify for the next LSAG Convention/Show Exhibit.

Annual Dues for each Member Club remains at one dollar ($1.00) per member with a minimum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per club. Fall dues are payable byNovember 15The 2nd collection of dues (this pertains only to any new members who’ve joined a league since the Fall dues were paid) are payable to LSAG by April 15.

The Fiscal Year will still run July 1 through June 30.

The 2018/2019 Executive Board will be installed on July 1, 2018.

Please feel free to email me with any thoughts or questions.


Polly Ward
President, LSAG