Tuesday, July 4, 2017

LSAG: Fall Show Schedule & Communications

League Leadership, 

It is the heat of July, so the fall season may seem far and away right now.  Still it is time to begin sending us your fall show dates  --especially early ones that may be scheduled for August & September--  as well as your judges so that we may put them on the website calendar.  This is also a reminder of the 2 other avenues of communication you need to consider for any upcoming show-- the newsletter and database.

To be included on the WEBSITE schedule, send your LEAGUE, DATE, & JUDGE to lsagconnect@gmail.com.

For NEWSLETTER advertisements, send your post as you wish it to appear to lsagannouncements@gmail.com by Sunday midnight of the week you want it sent.  The newsletter goes out on a Wednesday morning.  The How to Post page is available on the website for tips.  Depending on available time, we may not be able to turn your paragraph into an advertisement.  This is the responsibility of the Publicity Chair for your league.  Please adjust your announcement how you wish it to appear before sending to the Newsletter Editor.  Posts that look more like an invitation are more likely to be read than a lengthy paragraph.

Your LEAGUE Database Manager is responsible for entering details of your show in the DATABASE, and this will be open to do at a later date.  Please do not add this to the database at this time; it is not ready for the new show year quite yet.  When you do, this information includes DATE, LOCATION, & JUDGE.   
Please use this format:  Your league's letters / Fall or Spring / All shows in the database should be OPEN shows / Show- / Judge's last name 
Example:  ABC Fall Open Show- Jackson    Note--All LSAG shows are art shows, so this is not a needed distinction.
Questions about the database should be directed first to the 2nd VP Shows/ Database, Stephanie, at lsagvpshows@gmail.com .