Tuesday, March 22, 2016

LSAG: News & Notes

LSAG Members and League Leadership:  Please read the following announcements.  Questions or need help on any of these issues, send your emails to   lsagpresident@gmail.com .  

Final Weeks to Update Database:
Database Chairs:  Please have your league's membership updated in the database regardless if members participate in shows or not.  If a member is not in the database, they will not be able to be nominated for awards at this year's convention.  Directions have been posted for several weeks and takes seconds to complete as only a limited amount of info is needed.  Let us know if you need help or have a problem.  Updates should be completed by March 31.

LSAG Needs YOU to Volunteer:
Have time or talent to share?  If LSAG has benefited you, consider volunteering with LSAG.  No need to go through your league.

Newsletter Holiday:
Newsletter staff will be taking a spring break holiday in April.  Please plan ahead...

*Last full newsletter for April--April 12 newsletter; deadline Sunday, April 10

*Abbreviated newsletters for show announcements & LSAG news only--
April 19 newsletter; deadline Sunday, April 17
AND April 26 newsletter; deadline Sunday, April 24

*Full newsletters will resume in May.  Deadlines are ALWAYS the Sunday midnight before that week's newsletter.

Calling for Photos:
Photos needed of convention & its planning for the 2014 and 2015 conventions.  If you have such photos, send them as jpegs to Suzanne at suzseiler@att.net .  Describe your photos in the body of your email.  This is for LSAG Convention & planning of convention photos ONLY; do NOT send pictures from your league shows or meetings.

LSAG Open Spring Meeting:  Save the Date
April 30th   *  This will be a formal business meeting of upcoming LSAG business & a communication session for convention.

LSAG Spring Community Pick:  At Your Service 
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft has a wonderful exhibit featuring plates as the canvasses of artworks.  Now through May 8th; Cost:  FREE & FREE parking.  Make a day of it, then send us a picture to post.